Home Breaking News Another Africa Coup as Military Overthrows Gabon President and Takes Control of Government

Another Africa Coup as Military Overthrows Gabon President and Takes Control of Government

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Reports have emerged of a political coup in Gabon with the military taking control of the government and ousting the current president. This is yet another instance of military interference in African politics and highlights the ongoing instability in the region. The international community will be closely monitoring the situation in Gabon and calling for a peaceful resolution to the crisis.


The military has ousted the Gabonese head of state, Ali Bongo, mere days after he emerged victorious in the presidential race. In a televised statement broadcasted on national television, soldiers declared that they had seized control of the country.


The individuals responsible for the coup have additionally declared the invalidation of the election held on Saturday and the disbandment of the democratically elected administration within their nation.


Bongo, who took over power after  his father’s demise in 2009, secured a third term through an election that saw vehement opposition allegations of irregularities.


The latest development has emerged within the framework of ongoing endeavors to tackle the removal of a duly elected head of state in the Republic of Niger. The situation at hand pertains to a significant political upheaval that has rocked the country, prompting widespread concern and scrutiny from various quarters. In response, stakeholders have been working tirelessly to find a viable solution that can help restore stability and democratic governance in the region. Despite the challenges posed by this complex issue, there is growing optimism that progress can be made towards achieving these critical objectives.


At the time of this report, there has been no response from either the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) or the African Union (AU) in regards to the recent coup in Gabon. Both organizations have previously condemned the coup in Niger, indicating a stance against unconstitutional power grabs in the region. The silence from these influential bodies may indicate a need for more information or deliberation before taking action. It remains to be seen how their response, or lack thereof, will impact the political situation in Gabon and beyond.


– By Osaiyekemwen Confidence

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Osas Osarumwense August 30, 2023 - 8:32 am

Thank you Eyesofafrika Tv for updates always

Osas Osarumwense August 30, 2023 - 8:32 am

Thank you Eyesofafrika Tv for the updates


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